Perfect Rug

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Perfect Rug

A well-chosen rug is one of the few items in home décor that can easily and tastefully change a room. The perfect rug acts as a focal point in your area, connecting the many components of the space together while also adding warmth and comfort. However, selecting the ideal rug...

Rug Styles

A Guide to Common Rug Styles in 2023

The parts of a room that are often overlooked are the ones that can give it personality and character. When we think about what goes on the floor, rugs may not be the first thing that comes to mind. However, they give your room a focal point, adding comfort and...

bedroom rug size

The Ultimate Guide to Bedroom Rug Size

When it comes to decorating a bedroom, adding a rug can make a huge difference in terms of style and comfort. A well-placed rug can enhance the room's visual appeal, provide warmth and dampen noise. However, choosing the right bedroom rug size can be challenging, especially if you're unsure where...

Rug Materials

Top 7 Types of Rug Materials

Are you looking for a rug for your home? With many available rug materials, deciding which is right for you can take time. Whether you're looking for something soft and cozy or durable and easy to clean, there's a rug material out there that's perfect for your needs. In this...

jute rug

what is a jute rug?

A jute rug is a type of natural fiber rug made from plant fiber jute and it's a great way to add warmth and comfort to your home. These rugs are made from jute, which is a natural fiber that comes from the plant. Jute rugs are known for their...

difference between a rug and a carpet

What is the difference between a rug and a carpet?

Rugs and carpets are similar but different. They both serve the same purpose but do so in slightly different ways. The main difference between rugs and carpets is their size: rugs are smaller than carpets and can be used in different areas of your home. Rugs can also be made...